11 Feb February Update
Happy Hallmark month of love! There is no doubt we love to fish, and love seeing the stoke folks get when fishing with us on the Kenai and Kasilof rivers. However, many may not know that we love writing about fishing too. Not just in our blog posts, we also have a great relationship with Fish Alaska Magazine. For years we have been writing feature articles and blogs for them. Interested in what we are publishing? No worries, simply follow this link to gain free access to all of our publications with Fish Alaska Magazine. https://www.fishalaskamagazine.com/alaska-drift-away-fishing-editorial/
You can also gain access from our website http://guidekenairiver.com Simply find the “Publications” tab on the main header.
The 2021 season is fast approaching! We still have some space available for peak dates, but you better act quick. In the meantime enjoy checking out our feature articles and blogs for Fish Alaska Magazine.